ELV / Registration and Unique Registration Code (URC)

How is the URC communicated?

The URC is communicated to a producer:
• By the user account of the SYDEREP platform, if the producer has an individual system
• By its PRO if the producer is a PRO member
SYDEREP public search tool only displays producers with a URC and will only allow searching for producers by its URC.

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The specific case of marketplaces*:

* The definition of marketplace can be found in the article L.541-10-9 of the French Environmental Code
The marketplace must have an up to date record of all URCs of third parties selling via its platform (please refer to L.541-10-9 of the French Environmental Code).

As a marketplace, you have two options to access the producers’ list and their associated URCs:
• Through the PRO, by requesting the list of producers;
• Through SYDEREP. The marketplace accesses the URCs list and theirs associated producers for each product category.

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=> Send your request by mail to [email protected]

=> You may also call the hotline +33 4 93 95 30 30, Monday to Friday from 9.am to 6.pm